Once you have registered you will be contacted by a
Matataki (pre-wānanga contact) who will set you up
with everything you need on your healing journey.
Within the wānanga you will develop your own Ahi Kaa. This is where you will deliberately focus on what matters to you, what you want to change and how you will measure progress.
Mahi a Atua Principles
All three principles will be interwoven throughout the wānanga.

1. Tēnei te pō nau mai te ao is about leaning into the
discomfort and sitting in uncertainty. It is also about
using indigenous knowledge to guide us in this
challenging process.

2. Ka mā te ariki, ka mā te tauira is about
staying an active learner within the wānanga.
As we share our unique stories we learn to
listen deeply to how our thinking is
shaped as we liberate and expand
our minds.

3. Hongihongi te wheiwheiā is
about creating a culture of
feedback in order for the
wānanga to best meet
the needs of everyone.
The process of how
we do this is
important in
order to value

Your indigenous
healing journey
starts here

Once you have registered you will be contacted by a
Matataki (pre-wānanga contact) who will set you up
with everything you need on your healing journey.
Within the first couple of wānanga you will develop your own Ahi Kaa. This is where you will deliberately focus on what matters to you, what you want to change and how you will measure progress.
Mahi a Atua Principles
All three principles will be interwoven throughout the wānanga.

1.Tēnei te pō nau mai te ao is about leaning into the discomfort and sitting in uncertainty. It is also about using indigenous knowledge to guide us in this challenging process.

2. Ka mā te ariki, ka mā te tauira is about staying an active learner within the wānanga. As we share our unique stories we learn to listen deeply to how our thinking is shaped as we liberate and expand our minds.

3. Hongihongi te wheiwheiā is about creating a culture of feedback in order for the wānanga to best meet the needs of everyone. The process of how we do this is important in order to value everyone's opinion.
Tēnei te pō nau mai te ao
Tūporeariki is an indigenous approach to healing. Pūrākau, maramataka, karakia, a ritual 'Hinekauorohia' and wānanga to reflect, reset and creatively dive deeper into finding your kura huna.

Dr Diana Kopua, RN Kelly Burns and Tohunga Mark Kopua will be running clinics along the Coast.

*All referrals through your Primary Care Team
An indigenous healing journey
© 2024 Te Kurahuna. All rights reserved.